Shaun is now very much on late shift - he crawled into bed at 1.15am today and having walked the dog down to the beach this morning was chomatose fast asleep on the sofa when I returned home after work at lunchtime. So after a quick 4.6k walk with little Archie I got home and quickly got changed into my running gear to be back before he left again at 4.45pm. Dani was also home tidying her room & revising getting ready to go out for the night with her mates. I told her not to leave until I got back as I hadn't got a key. I hadn't planned on going far just a quick couple of miles. So I whizzed shuffled down to the marina and back. I think I would have been quite quick if it hadn't been rush hour again and it seemed ages for the traffic lights to change so that I could safely cross over. On my way back I spotted a yellow blob racing towards me on a bike - Hubby! He skidded to a halt in front of me and gave me a quick kiss - nice one, not every day that happens. Not only was my quick 3.2k run interrupted by traffic but also being snogged by a high viz clad cyclist.
Back home 24 mins later and Dani was ready to get out and it was just me and Archie for the evening. Quorn Cottage Pie and veg for one - and an evenings telly of my choice.
Janathon Day 27 stats
1 dog walk 4.6k 1hr 18 mins (lots of dog walking friends out because the weather was good)
1 quick jog/shuffle 3.2k in 24 mins
1 snog (en route)
Nice post. The cure are one of my favourite bands, I really feel like listening to them now.