
About Me

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Wife (to Shaun), Mother (to Danni), Dog walker of Archie the JRX, improving cyclist, reformed gym bunny, broken runner Collector of exercise DVDs & equipment. Cake is my weakness together with cider (Westons only thanks)and brandy. Noisy spectator of running & cycling events. Owner of Tribby the campervan

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Janathon Day 1

So it's finally here - Janathon!  

What an absolutely disgusting day - blowing an absolutely hooley and chucking it down with rain ALL DAY. Quite impressed that lots of people have been out running - not sure I would have, maybe just a couple of hill repeats just outside the front door!

Got up late this morning after seeing the New Year in.  First things first was to weigh myself - I now weigh a whopping 11 stone 7lbs so I've got two stone to lose all over again plus a couple more pounds to get me back to around 9 and a half stone.

After a cup of tea in bed I spent the usual 45 minutes it takes to do my physio rehab :

Calf Stretches (separate gastrocs & soleus - 30 seconds for each stretch on each leg)
Glute strengthening exercises (side leg raises, clams, hip hitches & standing hip abducters to fatigue)
Side Planks (30 seconds each side) & normal plank with leg raised 10 secs each leg x 3 reps
Tiger tail rolling of lower leg including shin and then a gentle seated shin stretch

I've also added into the stretches a standing quad stretch and I've started two challenges from the 30 Day Fitness Challenge site :-

Plankaday day 1 : 20 secs
Tricep dip day 1 : 5 dips

This afternoon I went out to the shed where hubby has set up my road bike on the turbo trainer

15 minutes was enough - it was still blowing a gale outside and I had my iPod up really loud to motivate myself to keep going.   Bit of a sweaty mess after 15 minutes!

Tonight I've got to do all the stretches again before I go to bed and I'm going to add another 30 day challenge - Easy Push Up so I balance out the arm exercises!

Eating wise hasn't been great

3 cups of tea
1 cup of Costa latte (from my Tassimo)
2 slices of granary toast with honey
1 mince pie (lunch)
3 rich T biscuits
A little bar of Green & Blacks
Grilled Chicken Breast with lots of veg
Low Fat Rice pudding

Times one of us said "fucking weather" - lost count :(

Not a bad first day :)


  1. The weather stinks! We said "fucking weather" a lot too. Gosh, your physio rehab sounds quite intense!

    1. Physio rehab exercises take ages - but if it gets me back running I'll do anything!

  2. Well done! A great first day x

  3. Well Done for getting out there and going on the turbo! Its been horrid up here too weather wise.

  4. I like your turbo trainer in the shed! I might have to get one for my husband... ;-)

    1. It's not the greatest way to exercise - being in the shed alone was not fun. It would be much better if I could find a way of rigging up the travel DVD & watch something whilst I'm doing it, or even still be able to set it up in the lounge - but that ain't gonna happen :)

  5. Fab work, love the turbo trainer! It's going to be fantastic to see how you progress with your physio over the course of the month, hope to see you back out and running really soon x

    1. I'm sure it won't be long now - no running since August is really messing with my head but I'm learning to cope with it by adapting what I can do with the help of the physio x
