
About Me

My photo
Wife (to Shaun), Mother (to Danni), Dog walker of Archie the JRX, improving cyclist, reformed gym bunny, broken runner Collector of exercise DVDs & equipment. Cake is my weakness together with cider (Westons only thanks)and brandy. Noisy spectator of running & cycling events. Owner of Tribby the campervan

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Day 12 - Brought down to earth with a bang

After a great day of exercise and enjoying the outdoors, we went to bed last night having received a phone call to say that Mr B's mum had been rushed to hospital following a bad fall.   Not much more information than that but as some of my regular readers will know my mother in law was diagnosed with Alzheimers last year, so this deterioration was no surprise but still a shock.   Father in law didn't feel the need for us to go up last night as there was nothing we could do.   He rang this morning to update us - she's ok but she knocked her temple during the fall which caused a bleed on the brain, which has made her very unstable on her feet.  We're hoping that she will be able to stay in hospital for another night, even if it's just to give father in law some respite.   He also told us that they had been found somewhere to live following the Christmas flooding, which is good, a nice little ground floor flat - which we are extremely happy about.

With all this in mind Janathon has been put on the back boiler slightly.   Whilst Mr B walked the dog I did my physio exercises and 30 day challenges :-

Tricep Dips : 40

Planks : 55 secs (still a bit iffy)

Super Easy Push Up : Rest Day

Easy Squat : 60

We've rushed around and done the food shopping and had lunch and as I write Mr B is on his way to see her.   Hoping that when he returns he will have some better news.

I am taking the dog out for his walk later and will log it, but probably not until tomorrow.   I also need to start tackling the humungous pile of ironing which no longer fits in the cupboard and because I'm running out of clothes.  Back to proper Janathon effort tomorrow!

I hope you've all had a fantastic Sunday of Janathoning x

Update : 2 mile dog walk to meet Danni from work & then 3 hours ironing :(  Now icing !!!!!


  1. Sorry about the news. Hope you are all doing OK. What is an easy squat? I guess I need to update my own blog.

    1. Thanks Nick, I think we'll be better when we know exactly how bad she is. I think Easy Squat challenge is defined by the fact that it is low rep - if you look on the 30 day fitness challenge site the squat challenge starts at a high rep! Starting on easy seemed perfect for me!

  2. So sorry to hear about your mom-in-law, glad she is ok. Good news about the flat .. big hug xx

    1. Thanks Alma - she's "improving" if there's such a thing!

  3. so sorry to hear your news, hope things look up soon for all concerned. Keep going and keep smiling.

    1. Thank you x Things are looking better than 24 hours ago :)

  4. Aah, sorry to hear your news, hope your Mother-in-law makes a good recovery from her fall, can't be an easy time for you all.

    1. Thank you - she is improving by the hour, talk of letting her out of hospital today, not sure if it's a good idea but have to be guided.

  5. Sorry to hear about mum-in-law.
