
About Me

My photo
Wife (to Shaun), Mother (to Danni), Dog walker of Archie the JRX, improving cyclist, reformed gym bunny, broken runner Collector of exercise DVDs & equipment. Cake is my weakness together with cider (Westons only thanks)and brandy. Noisy spectator of running & cycling events. Owner of Tribby the campervan

Friday, 29 June 2012

29th - Anti Climax

On 29th June 1613 Shakespeare's Globe Theatre burned down!

I hate that feeling when something you've been looking forward to and planning for ages is all over, and no doubt Sunday I will be feeling the same about Juneathon.  Yesterday was an amazing day and today was back to normal very quickly with the added benefit of feeling absolutely knackered.

I was surprised that feeling so knackered that I was able to do anything this afternoon after work.  When I took Archie out he kept heading to the woods so that's where we started and then headed back towards the river bank, it would have been a nice 2 mile walk if Archie hadn't decided to roll in foxes poo and end up in the shower when we got back.

Danni had another party tonight so whilst she was getting ready to go out and I was waiting for Shaun to come home, I had a little nap!  This set up me brilliantly for a run when he got back, and although I told him I was probably only doing 2 miles, I ended up pushing through and did 4 miles, getting back just in time for turkey kebabs coming out of the oven!

Day 29 totals
Run : 4 miles
Dog walk : 2 miles
Hecklers : Zero
Cyclists who made me run through brambles, stinging nettles & long grass : 5

Total Miles
Run : 105 miles
Walk :81 miles



  1. am in awe of your mileage! you are one persistant lady :)

    1. Cheers Alma - all thanks to the motivation from people who leave comments!

  2. Brilliant running! Hope you have a good one tomorrow and a great rest on Sunday.
    No Juneathon anticlimax allowed well all be her running and blogging but maybe not everyday!

    1. Thanks Rachel - it's certainly satisfying to see the total go up day by day! Sunday will be a day of rest most definitely, although Sue did ask if we were going out. Its my wedding anniversary so, no, no running! We may venture up on to the Downs to support the SDW 100 runners! Yes I'll still be here running & blogging - you can't shut me up!
