It felt very strange at work today, kept on completely forgetting that it was Friday and the weekend was upon us. Today's dog walk was very enjoyable and Mr B joined us for the first time in ages. I'd already decided that if it wasn't raining we were going to do the woods/sheep field walk . We haven't been that way since the summer because once again it's just been far too muddy and being on a hill was quite dangerous to walk up! Also during the summer the field is full of sheep (hence the name) which is quite stressful for us to walk across because Archie would love to chase them, unfortunately the farmer doesn't appreciate us being there, even on the lead, so we tend to steer clear! The view below looks out towards where we walked yesterday, with the Downs further on.
And this shows how close we are to Beachy Head! Unfortunately, I forgot to check the battery situation in the camera before we left, otherwise there would be more photos of the Downs and our route up through the woods. A lovely 5k walk which took us about 1.5 hours. Archie loves it because he gets to chase the gamekeeper's pheasants (oops!)
My HM Plan says today is a cross train day, so back up to the attic and 40 minutes puffing and blowing and sweating buckets on the Airwalker. I was going to use the Wii or join Davina but no chance of wrestling the TV screen from Mr B!
Long run tomorrow - woopeeee.
Day 4 stats :
Running : 0
Walking : 3 miles
Cross Training : 40 minutes Airwalker
Naughty food eaten : 3 maltesers (woohoo) and a slither each of Brie and Wensleydale with cranberry
Total Janathon Stats
Running : 9 miles
Walking : 10 miles
Cross training : 50 minutes
Time spent exercising : 8 hours
Ah, Wensleydale with cranberry, my favourite!