
About Me

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Wife (to Shaun), Mother (to Danni), Dog walker of Archie the JRX, improving cyclist, reformed gym bunny, broken runner Collector of exercise DVDs & equipment. Cake is my weakness together with cider (Westons only thanks)and brandy. Noisy spectator of running & cycling events. Owner of Tribby the campervan

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Janathon week 4 and a bit

Woohoo week 4

Sunday 22nd January

2 dog walks and a morning spent picking up litter at my local Park (between 6 of us we picked up 14 black sacks full) - 10600 steps (5 miles apparently). 2 hrs of ironing - that's it for me today

Monday 23rd

Dog walk
Boxercise 1 hr
45 press ups

Tuesday 24th

Dog walk
Didn't double class because of the useless stand in instructor
45 press ups

Wednesday 25th

Shopping day so no dog walk - thanks to daughter
45 press ups

Thursday 26th

Dog walk
45 press ups including 15 on my toes

Was supposed to go to spin class or turbo but I struggled to get warm with 2 fleeces on!

Friday 27th

Dog walk
50 press ups (20 on my toes).
Didn't manage the planned turbo session as I fell asleep after walking the dog and then had lots of phone calls until OH came home at 8pm

Saturday 28th

Dog walk
50 press ups
1 hour bike ride on the road

Sunday 29th

Not much from me today as we've had a relaxing family get together - 50 press ups is all I can bring to the party

Monday 30th

Dog walk 
1 hour of Boxercise

Tuesday 31st

Dog walk
1 hour of Kettlercise 
1 hour of Boxercise

Didn't do any extra press ups - did loads in class


So what have I achieved?  I've actually done quite a bit (considering I've been ill and the weather has been rubbish)  I would've preferred to have got some more cycling (indoors and out). 

I have actually managed to accomplish one thing I've been trying to do for ages - press ups on my toes!  Still needs to some work, but at least I've done a few.

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