Day 15
10 mile bike ride
ab/squat challenge - 20 sit ups, 30 crunches, 20 squats
12728 steps
Day 16
ab/squat challenge 25 sit ups, 30 crunches, 45 squats,
1 hr Boxercise & 17695 steps (inc a dog walk)
Day 17
OH swapped to early shift so dog walk before work. Overtime today so walked to a sports shop to pick up Dad's Father's Day present at lunchtime, ab/squat challenge 40 sit ups, 50 crunches & 60 squats, 10,700 steps.
Day 18
ab/squat challenge rest day!!!!! Dog walk before work, token plank 1m 30 secs and 10,865 steps. Father in law in hospital with unknown diagnosis, mother in law in respite care. This weekend is going to be interesting!
Day 19
On my own tonight as OH has gone up to stay with father in law who has been released from hospital. Ab/squat challenge 5 sit ups, 5 crunches, 5 squats. 11,066 steps.
Day 20
Up early to get the dog walked and the food shopping done. Arrived home at the same time as hubby, spent the rest of the day with mum at the nursing home, dad at home and at my parents. Dinner at a local pub, sitting in the beer garden eating ham, egg & chips in the rain. Ab/squat challenge 10 sits, 10 crunches, 25 squats. 10,783 steps.
Day 21
Was supposed to go out on the bike today, but let's face it, it's been a stressful couple of days with parents and overtime at work and I'm exhausted. Finished reading Peter James Book 4 of Roy Grace series (another tick on the 2015 to do list) and pottered around tidying up and 2 hours of ironing. Walked the dog. Ab/squat challenge 20 sit ups, 15 crunches and 35 squats.
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