
About Me

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Wife (to Shaun), Mother (to Danni), Dog walker of Archie the JRX, improving cyclist, reformed gym bunny, broken runner Collector of exercise DVDs & equipment. Cake is my weakness together with cider (Westons only thanks)and brandy. Noisy spectator of running & cycling events. Owner of Tribby the campervan

Friday, 1 March 2013

A Never Ending Peace Lily

Sorry running readers, not a single mention of a run in this post but please read on.

When my daughter was in Year 6 (aged 11) we went to her school fete.  I'd given her some money to spend on the stalls thinking that she would either blow the lot on the tombola & come home with a tin of Pea & Ham soup or the cake stall and eat her purchases before she got home!   Instead she spent her few pennies wisely and bought a plastic cup  filled with potting compost and a green leaf growing in it.   She proudly placed it on the windowsill in the kitchen with strict instructions for me not to kill it (she'd found out previously I'm good at killing flowers and plants).  I didn't even know what plant it was, we watered it and waited for it to flower so we could identify it. There it stayed, growing and growing and eventually flowering.    

After about year with the poor leaves having grown out of their plastic cup and been repotted in various pots it finely flowered and we were able to identify it as a Peace Lily.

After a few years the plant got so big it no longer fitted on the windowsill so we cut it in half and gave one half to our lovely next door neighbours.   

As many of you will know my daughter is now nearly 17 and yesterday we received a present - half a Peace Lily, an offshoot from the half we gave away a couple of years ago.  

I never imagined that this poor weedy little leaf that came home would still be alive let alone continuing to give pleasure!


  1. I've got one of those (did have two but Shaun killed one when I moved in), never knew what they were called. My new one started off tiny and has been flourishing ever since, they do grow well. I have it in my computer room, safe from harm.

  2. I have one of those - I've ad it for 10 years + and have given offshoots to lots of people over the years. Love them x
