
About Me

My photo
Wife (to Shaun), Mother (to Danni), Dog walker of Archie the JRX, improving cyclist, reformed gym bunny, broken runner Collector of exercise DVDs & equipment. Cake is my weakness together with cider (Westons only thanks)and brandy. Noisy spectator of running & cycling events. Owner of Tribby the campervan

Friday, 19 October 2018

#BeMoreSnail Day

Anyone visiting Brighton since 15th September will have spotted a few painted snails.    Following on from the famous Snow Dogs which raised a lot of money for Martlets Hospice, this year we are being reminded to "BeMoreSnail.   If you're coming to Brighton over the next few weeks there is  a trail you can follow and selfie with the snails.   There are lots of events taking place up until 18th November and today is #BeMoreSnail Day.   Also today local famous person, Fat Boy Slim will be walking a marathon taking in all 50 snails - Go Norman !

You can donate funds for the campaign too here!

At work we've been encouraged to take part, especially as we have our own snail - Inca.

Inca sponsored by my firm
So today I took advantage of the amazing weather we're still having and Shaun being on a rest day and cycled to work, taking in some of the beautiful sights of dawn rising
Sunrise over Brighton

Sunrise back to Newhaven/Peacehaven
and the snails which are on my route in - although I did go a bit off route to selfie Inca & Goldie! 


Nee Nor - sponsored by Peter James the author

In Search of Regina Hotel
On a recent visit to Stanmer Park I also grabbed a selfie with the snail outside the house 

You can upload your selfies to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram using the hashtag #BeMoreSnail and see what fun everyone is having.

Oh and that's also Cycle to Work #6.

Have a fab day and don't forget to #BeMoreSnail.

Monday, 15 October 2018

When Trying Something New Seems Like a Good Idea

I get bored quite easily in the evenings when I'm on my own or not at spin, running a meeting or spending time with loved ones and quite often it ends up with me doing online shopping (poor credit card).   Saturday 6th October was no exception - can't remember why but I suddenly caught myself looking at booking a Les Mills Experience at my local gym.   5 mini "taster" classes, 3.5 hours on a Sunday morning ............ starting at 8.30am (did I mention it was a Sunday?)

I've wanted to try Body Pump & Combat for some time but have been put off going to a class for either as it always seems everyone there is super fit and knows exactly what they're doing, I just couldn't face being the newbie!   So when Wave Leisure advertised their taster morning I thought it would be a good idea - Body Pump, CX Works, Body Combat, Body Balance and Body Attack.   I couldn't get on Body Balance so would have to either sit it out or see if I could sneak into an unused space on the day - more on that later*!   I did manage to book on to the other 4 classes.

Sunday 14th October arrived - Shaun was less pleased at this fact as the alarm went off at 7.30am.  I arrived at the centre with about 10 mins to spare and then spotted a lot of familiar faces - the class was being done by most of the people who already do the classes but I tried not to be put off.   The Pump station was already set up to go (the regulars were busy changing weight plates over but after some advice from a friend who was there luckily, I left mine as they were set up - my friend Jeremy said "don't worry about the weight - worry about the technique" so that's what I did!   Quite enjoyed it apart from all the faffing around with equipment, it's quite fast paced so I got a bit behind on some of the moves, but otherwise quite enjoyable, and it was nice to be lifting weights again. 

45 mins later we were being thrown out of the studio so that the room could be set up for CX Works - omg really didn't enjoy that class, I'm definitely going to stick to my Saturday morning Core Blast class.   30 mins of doing I don't know what and we were out again so the floor could be cleared ready for Combat.  Luckily I can't get to the CX Works class to give it another go!

No idea how long Combat was but I actually quite enjoyed - the instructors were good and I think having done boxercise helped as I already knew my punches and kicks. 

The music is great and I think if I'm not concentrating on the moves so hard I could get quite a good workout from it. 

*Next up was Body Balance - the one that was full!   I didn't hang around in the end and cancelled Body Attack - I had other plans which included lunch out with Mr B and visiting Pelham House in Lewes for Danni as a possible wedding venue.  Beautiful isn't it - and that's before a major refurb for next year!!!!!!

I certainly didn't feel like I was missing anything I'd worked quite hard - my Garmin said I'd burnt over 300 calories so I was happy with that.

Monday morning and I'm in all sorts of ouchy - ouchy in a good way - quads are on fire and I can't raise my arms very high.     I'm definitely going to give Pump and Combat a go and need to try out the other two I missed. 

Operation #MotheroftheBride is a go!!!!!

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Helloooo October!

We're now firmly in autumn - maybe someone should tell the weather gods!   Not that I'm complaining although it is difficult to know what to wear.  There's a fine line between freezing cold standing at the bus stop at 7.30am and coming home and it's 25 degs at 2.30pm.   I'm still wearing my summer clothes and footwear (sadly the shorts and strappy tops have gone away) but it's becoming increasingly difficult in the mornings.

Thank god "Scroll Free September" is done with - turns out I can't cope without my occasional dip into social media during the day - terrible I know, and maybe I need to get a grip of it - or maybe there are other things I need to change, like my job!

My exercise regime has been pretty dire during September - my last class was a triple core blast, body conditioning, spin combo at the beginning and since then I've done an evening bike ride and two cycle commutes.   One of the cycle commutes was during one of the storms and meant cycling in 50mph gusting wind - bit scary.   I've now done 5 cycle commutes - the last two I cycled from home .... up the hill!   Not very pleased with myself though at riding on the pavement for a short while - it's not worth crossing the road to get onto the road and then stopping again to cross back to join the cycle path.  I only got shouted at once which was lucky.   My only other option would be to cycle downhill and into the housing estate and cycle up a really horrible steep hill to the cycle path.   I've done it once on a previous ride with Shaun, it's not pleasant!  I am going to try and cycle in again during the autumn and winter, but it will have to be a dry day when Shaun's on a rest day in case I have a problem .... .don't want to leave Archie worrying about his walkies

My lack of 'mojo' was mainly down to the fact my partner in crime has been on the "can't do a thing bench" due to an operation.  She normally picks me up and drives me to classes.   I haven't been mainly because I can't be arsed to move the car from it's precious parking space in the road or walk halfway across town if I'd driven myself and not been able to find a parking space when I got home.   I was planning on substituting classes for the gym - which is a 10 minute walk from home - but instead I've spent time packing boxes and getting rid of some of the belongings I don't want to take to the new house.

After a month we found out our buyer hadn't even started the process from his end - no mortgage, no official instruction to solicitor.   So ....... he's had a bomb up his arse from the estate agent so fingers crossed we should start to see some movement - all we want is to exchange and have a moving date.  Being in  a state of limbo is sooooooo frustrating.

I was trying to think what challenge I could set myself this month - I've signed up to do the Challenge the Norm ride in November but really need to get my general fitness back.   I've downloaded a handful of "30 day challenges" so let's see how these go.

Fingers crossed the warm, dry weather lasts well into October  - don't fancy coping with SAD and a house move!