I probably wouldn't haven't taken the plunge if it hadn't been for Park Run Tourist Steve who during September has been trying a different Park Run each week.
I was initially awake at about 5.30am but it was pitch black outside, I've recently found out that the street lights in the street are turned off sometime between 10.30pm and 1am which makes the street very dark. Anyway, I properly woke up just before the alarm went off at 7am and got up, got dressed into my running kit and had some breakfast. I gathered my paraphernalia together, including my barcode which I've been reminded about all week from various parties, and set off for Shinewater Park at Eastbourne. It was a lovely sunny morning, and I felt quite excited to be heading out so early. After I'd been driving for about 15 minutes I suddenly remembered I'd forgotten to pick up my running shoes - disaster! So I had a choice, go back and get them and risk arriving late, or keep driving and just run in my clunky Adidas dog walking/general wear trainers. I decided to carry on and run in what I had.
I found the school they use for parking quite easily and then
It's a lovely course, starting on grass and then onto mainly gravel and concrete path. Shinewater Park is a well used park by people walking their dogs, runners and cyclists. I got to about 4k and spotted Steve waiting for me at the crossover just before the end, and he ran back to the finish line with me, peeling off at the last minute having already finished his own run. I was quite pleased to see my Garmin said 34 mins.
My official Park Run time is 34 mins 31 secs - happy with that for a first.
The only complaint I have about the location is there are no public toilets - not that it was a problem, there are quite a few bushes one could utilise if needed!
So, I've actually done it and I now wish I'd done it sooner. I will definitely go back and do it again, not next week as I will be walking the dog next Saturday morning as Shaun is going in for his knee op on Tuesday and probably won't be mobile enough for dog walking for a few days, and probably not the following week as it will be the day before the 8k Undercliff - but I will be doing it again.